Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mantra that cured my bed wetting

The feeling was intense. My bladder was full and the pressure was unbearable. I woke up, went to the toilet and slowly began to relieve myself. Wow! what a relief. But half way through, I felt warm and wet and woke up with a start. Oh no! Not again! I urinated in my bed. 

Amma and Appa have 4 children and being the youngest of them all I was pampered a lot. At the same time was an object of my brothers pranks (which kept him occupied). I was 7 years old and had no friends but my sisters and brother filled up the lacuna. I had never stopped wetting my bed at night. My mother tried all sorts of home remedies suggested by her sisters, neighbours, friends, doctors, books...... some of the remedies were easy- consuming soaked raisins, reducing fluid intake in the evenings, and some a little complicated-spread raw rice under sheets at night, cook the next day and feed me. The result, I woke up in the morning with a nightgown or bed sheet reeking of urine. I do not remember a single day when my mother punished me for it. Everyone in the family was supportive and protective to the extent when watching the TV, if there was even a mildly scary scene sisters or brother would cover my eyes and ears till the scene shifted. Bedtime stories were not scary either  (occasionally my brother would tell me a story which was really scary and run away when Amma/ sisters appeared at the door, though I used to enjoy the story the nightmares that followed all through the night led me to urinate in my bed). Amma and Appa would even wake me twice at night and take me to the toilet, but I would still be wet in the morning.

Finally, one night Amma sat beside me and said to me, " let us chant a powerful mantra before you go to bed every night. I am sure this will help you". By then I was ready to try anything. She asked me to fold my hands (as in a Namaste) and repeat after her (translates) "I will not urinate in my bed tonight" 10 times and then asked me to sleep.
Next morning, I woke up and surprisingly had not urinated in bed. Amma and sisters, brother were eagerly waiting to see the results were overjoyed. I was extremely happy as it was the first time I had not wet my bed and woken up not feeling guilty. So the 'mantra' became a bedtime ritual and that was the end of my bed wetting at home.

After a few days I had to visit a cousins thread ceremony and my mother sent me with a cousin the previous day promising to be there the next morning. I was really apprehensive about staying overnight and being put to shame 'just in case I wet my bed'. My aunt who was aware of my 'weakness' put me to bed with her grandaughter of my age with the same 'weakness'. When the lights were off, I folded my hands, silently chanted my mantra and went to sleep. What happened that morning changed my life forever. My aunt was surprised to see that her grandaughter had wet her bed and I had not. I proudly told her that my  Amma had taught me a powerful 'mantra' which helped cure me. It helped cure her granddaughter and many more too. Thankyou Amma for this wonderful 'mantra'.

Note: I have asked two people I know (with motion sickness) to try a modified version of this  mantra/ autosuggestion before their journey as many times as needed.
 Also suggested to plug their ears with a tiny piece of cotton applied with a drop of cold pressed sesame seed oil and keep inhaling a kerchief in which a drop of peppermint oil has been placed. They reported that their journey was much better(without nausea and vomiting which was the main complaint when travelling long distances in a bus)

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